Intro Blurb

Once again into the breach! This is my Nth blog, for those of you keeping count. This blog has a special purpose, that purpose being that I am writing a novel in 30 days for National Novel Writing Month and I need your support. I will be writing an average of 10 pages a day. I will be conducting research in nearby towns. I will be printing out scads of pages. I will probably need to have pizza delivered.

Your contribution will help with the purchase of printer cartridges, bus fare to Querétaro and Guanajuato, and what passes for pizza in these parts.

My goal is to raise $200, but there are stretch goals! If I raise $500, I will commission Graham Chaffee to illustrate the cover.
If I raise $1000, I will be able to print physical books via Amazon. If this happens, I will send a copy of the book to everyone that has donated $50 or more.

There are "prizes" for donations.
Donate $100 and pick the name of a character in the novel, receive the special edition ebook, (and receive a physical book if I reach the top goal).
Donate $50 and receive a special edition ebook of the final draft (and receive a physical book if I reach the top goal).
Donate $25 and receive the regular edition ebook.
Donate between $5 and $24.99 and I will send you a rough draft.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Polishing Turds and Kissing Pigs

 Polishing a Turd and Putting Lipstick on a Pig

These two picturesque phrases indicate in similar ways the idea of dishonesty trying to improve the appearance of something of no or little value.

The first phrase, however, indicates the futility of making a turd shiny (and thereby attractive) because it will still be visible as a piece of shit.

The second phrase, putting lipstick on a pig, offers the idea of beautifying something, making it more attractive than it is to a gullible person, such as touting a worthless stock as being valuable. The idea is that the lipstick applier is concealing the true nature of the thing he is trying to sell.

I was thinking about these two phrases this morning, as they relate to Donald Trump and his followers. Our current crises have been either created or made worse by Trump and his administration henchmen—and he’s gotten away with it by using the two techniques of turd polishing and pig beautifying, just as he’s gotten away with all manner of scams his entire career.

And you’d think by now, his base would have figured out that they’ve been kissing pigs and eating shit. Obviously, some supporters have learned this, some quite recently, and have left the fold.

But those that are staying? Will they ever be convinced that Trump is a bad man? Will they ever realize that they’ve been lied to along? Even if we can stop Trump now, is there hope that these ultimate victims of Trump’s duplicity can be recuperated?

I’m thinking no. These are people that cannot be brought to reason for the simple reason that they LIKE to eat shit and kiss pigs. In fact, their favorite thing to do is getting fucked by lipsticked pigs and their favorite food is shit.

Look, I don’t want to kink shame. I don’t want to judge. I’m a live-and-let-live type of person. The problem here is that we’re not safe from these shit eating pig fuckers because they also want to force everyone to eat shit and fuck pigs, and they expect us to like it. Or else. Or else we can die face down in shit, our corpses humped by pigs.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Too many opinions

Too many opinions. I've got them. So many ideas. Most of them are dumb. I just unpublished two posts that were ten years old, so as to repurpose this blog. My new intention is to use it as a a public notepad. Todays opinion: White impunity sucks. This video is a relatively minor example (although the victim here might disagree, and I wouldnt argue with him since he was the victim). It's minor because it didn't end up with the police arriving and shooting or arresting Alex. I expect a lot of white people would disagree. They will say this is a video of cranky old women, possibly with dementia. That is because they've never been on the receiving end of aggression from someone who thinks they can just walk into someone else's garage, swearing angrily and spewing racial epithets, getting into their physical space, etc. Basically acting like they own everything and can do whatever the fuck they want if they do it to a non-white. This is the essence of white impunity. And sometimes it is backed with state violence—although that happens much more frequently to black people than it does to asians. Speaking from my experience, this feels like a slap in the face or a punch in the gut for Asians. It doesn't (or didn't use to) happen all that move because East Asians have been the model minority in recent history. Other minorities, ESPECIALLY black people suffer under a constant dread, not the occasional racist bullshit thrown at Asians. (Let me be clear: Asians do get violently attacked and even murdered by racists whites on occasion.) So I think a lot of white people will deny this incident has anything to do with white impunity. I can see how someone who has never experienced racism might see this as just an overreaction by elderly woman suffering from dementia. Someone firmly and unconsciously embedded in their privilege might even blame Alex Wong for "being confrontational". But that someone would be wrong because theyre ignoring the context. Today's Silly Idea: Jack the Ripper and the Beanstalk I came up with this idea after following one of those associative chains. I was looking up the Spanish title for Jack and the Beanstalk, which is Jack y las Habichuelas Mágicas. (What the hell are habichuelas? I expected "frijoles mágicos". New vocabulary word for frijoles.) When I typed Jack (in the Spanish Wikipedia search box), one of the suggestions that popped up was Jack el Destripador, i.e., Jack the Ripper. That's all.